International City/County Management Association and the Environmental Protection Agency have been working together to bring you the National Brownfields Training Conference for the past twenty years. With ICMA and EPA’s shared focus on creating more sustainable, livable, and resilient communities, the conference is a premier venue for stakeholders and ICMA members to network and learn strategies for brownfields remediation.

About EPA
The Environmental Protection Agency’s main mission is to protect human health and the environment. It was created with the purpose to ensure that all Americans are protected from significant risks to human health and the environment where they live, learn and work. The EPA works to implement environmental laws created by Congress by writing regulations that set national standards that are then enforced by states and tribes through their own regulations. The EPA also provides grants and makes partnerships to state environmental programs, non-profits, educational institutions, and others to support scientific studies to community cleanups.
The EPA’s Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization provides grants and technical assistance to communities, states, tribes, and other stakeholders, to prevent, assess, safely clean up, and sustainably reuse formerly contaminated properties. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties protects the environment, reduces blight, and takes development pressures off greenspaces and working lands. EPA’s Land Revitalization program works with communities, states, non-profits and other stakeholders to develop and test sustainable approaches for the reuse of formerly contaminated properties.

About ICMA
ICMA, the International City/County Management Association, is the premier organization of professional local government leaders building sustainable communities to improve lives worldwide. The organization’s mission is to create excellence in local governance by developing and fostering professional management to build better communities. ICMA provides member support; publications; data and information; peer and results-oriented assistance; and training and professional development to nearly 13,000 city, town, and county experts and other individuals and organizations throughout the world.
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