Brownfields 2023 Poster Gallery Application
The Poster Gallery offers a venue to visually depict innovative practices (brownfields assessment, cleanup, redevelopment), share brownfields success stories, and present research findings. Posters will be displayed in the Exhibit Hall for the duration of the conference, and will feature an award for the Best Overall Poster and a People’s Pick Award voted by conference attendees.
The deadline to submit a poster idea is Friday, June 2nd, 2023, 11:59PM.
2022 Poster Gallery Winners
People’s Pick Award
Brownfields Land: A Game of Gas Stations and Rural revival
Presented by Jeff Myers and Madeline Dillner, Oklahoma Corporation Commission
Best Overall Poster
Environmental Career Worker Training Program: A Justice40 Pilot and Workforce Development Model
Presented by Sharon Beard, Director, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Worker Training Program (WTP)
2019 Poster Gallery Winners
People’s Pick Award
Let Us Build Cully Park
Presented by Travis Ruybal, Portland Parks and Recreation; Rebecca Well-Albers and Tim Spencer, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality; Mike Coenen and Lon Yandell, GeoDesign, Inc.
(L-R) Lon Yandell, GeoDesign; Rebecca Wells-Albers, Oregon DEQ; and Malin Jimenez, Verde
Best Overall Poster
Learning How the Community Leads: Participatory Engagement in Disenfranchised Communities
Presented by Allison Smith, City of Louisville, KY